Monday 15 July 2013

Halloo Halloo, Dennis hapa my thoughts on the elements of film making in addition to what Claire has said....
Clearly Establish Your Objectives
1. First, clearly establish your objectives and hold to them throughout the production. Your objectives in doing a production may be anything from creating an experience of pure escapism to doing a treatise on spiritual enlightenment.

Few people would start writing a sentence without any idea of what they wanted to say. Visual statements are no different.

Good writers, producers, directors, and editors know the purpose of each and every shot. 
Strive for a Feeling of Unity
2. Strive for a feeling of unity. If a good film or prize-winning photo is studied, it's generally evident that the elements in the shot have been selected or arranged so they "pull together" to support the basic idea.
When the elements of a shot combine to support a basic visual statement, the shot is said to have unity
The concept of unity applies to such things as lighting, color, wardrobes, sets, and settings.
Compose Around A
Single Center of Interest
3. The third guideline applies to individual scenes: compose scenes around a single center of interest
Multiple centers of interest may work in three-ring circuses where viewers are able to fully shift their interest from one event to another. But competing centers of interest within a single visual frame weaken, divide, and confuse meaning.

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